In Mississippi, airbag deployment during an accident has the potential to save your life, but some drivers understand that a bag inflating within a second could cause injuries. Injuries can be from bracing the arms, wearing sunglasses or prescription glasses and...
Photo of Exterior of the Office Building of T. Michael Reed, P.A
We Are Here To Protect
Your Future
Month: June 2023
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Driving safely after a DUI
Driving in Mississippi is a privilege that you'll miss sorely if you're ever convicted of a DUI. And if you've already had a DUI and are getting your driving privileges back, you're likely excited about the convenience and opportunities that you almost have back. But...
Questioning the reliability of roadside drug tests in Missouri
Drug charges are taken very seriously in Missouri where the punishment for the crime could be anywhere from a fine of $500 to seven years in prison, depending on the specifics of the drug charge. Law enforcement officers have turned to roadside drug tests to better...