Officers in Mississippi are allowed to conduct sobriety tests if they suspect a driver of DUI. The primary test they use is a Breathalyzer to check BAC, or blood alcohol content. However, it doesn't mean the test is always accurate; several factors may influence...
Photo of Exterior of the Office Building of T. Michael Reed, P.A
We Are Here To Protect
Your Future
Month: August 2021
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A lot of accidents are caused by truck debris each year
Large trucks pose a danger to many Mississippi motorists; even debris from surrounding trucks could cause a serious accident. This often happens when an entire tire or pieces of it come off of a truck. Here's more about the dangers of debris and why these accidents...
What is the difference between simple and aggravated domestic violence assault?
Domestic violence charges are not as simple as they may seem on the surface. Indeed, all states, including Mississippi, have a variety of domestic violence-related charges. If you are accused of domestic violence, it is vital that you understand the different possible...