Photo of Exterior of the Office Building of T. Michael Reed, P.A

We Are Here To Protect
Your Future

Protect Your Driving Privileges And Avoid Heavy Penalties After A DUI/OUI Arrest

Mississippi criminal code prohibits driving or operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs that may cause impairment. Penalties for violating the DUI/OUI laws vary depending on factors such as:

  • Whether a driver refused to submit to a chemical test for blood alcohol content (BAC) after being stopped on suspicion of a violation
  • The driver’s age (minor or adult)
  • Whether a driver charged with this crime completes a Mississippi Alcohol Safety Education Program (MASEP)
  • Whether a driver has had prior DUI/OUI convictions
  • Whether the offense is by a commercial driver or a regular driver
  • Whether the drunk driving incident did or did not result in serious injuries or death to someone

If you have been charged with impaired driving in Mississippi, your present and future liberties are at risk. There is no time to waste. You should get the best legal counsel you can find as soon as possible. T. Michael Reed, P.A., has built a favorable reputation among past clients and legal professionals alike.

Beware Of A Conviction

Operating a vehicle while impaired is defined in Mississippi as driving with a BAC of .08 or higher for most drivers; .04 or higher for commercial drivers and .02 or higher for minors (under age 21), or under the influence of any drug or controlled substance. Penalties range depending on the details, as these examples illustrate:

  • A conviction for a first-time offense may result in a fine as high as $1,000, prison up to 48 hours and a driver’s license suspension.
  • A third or higher offense is considered a felony and may result in up to five years in prison and a fine up to $5,000, as well as seizure of the driver’s vehicle.
  • If drunk driving causes injury or death, the offender may serve up to 25 years in prison.

To increase your chances at a favorable outcome after a drunk driving arrest or if you have been charged with this type of offense, work with an experienced attorney with a strong track record. Many people say that attorney T. Michael Reed is among the best trial lawyers in southern Mississippi. He has been a prosecutor and public defender in addition to managing a private law practice. Your defense is in good hands if he is your advocate.

Schedule A Free Consultation

Call 601-602-5126 or send an email inquiry to schedule a conversation with defense attorney T. Michael Reed about your DUI/OUI case.