Financial crimes in Mississippi commonly fall under white-collar crimes, a term referring to the usual offenders of these illegal acts. Modern technology has enabled individuals to devise new methods of stealing or put a spin on an older version of theft. Basics of...
Photo of Exterior of the Office Building of T. Michael Reed, P.A
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Your Future
Month: July 2021
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Teenage traffic deaths compared with older motorists
It is common knowledge that Mississippi teens are more dangerous drivers than those in other demographics. However, did you know that they are also more likely to die in a crash? Personal injury statistics provide sobering news. Distractions and lack of experience...
The Jones Act and Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act
When a maritime employee has sustained an injury in Mississippi, they may wish to pursue some type of legal compensation. The Jones Act and the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act are both something that can affect them. Here’s more information about both...