Distracted driving is an all too common problem in Mississippi. Some motorists become distracted by no fault of their own through outside sources; funny road signs are one of them. Now, the Federal Highway Administration has plans to curb this problem. Dangers of...
Photo of Exterior of the Office Building of T. Michael Reed, P.A
We Are Here To Protect
Your Future
Month: January 2024
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Accurate lie detection could be scientifically impossible
Police officers in Mississippi and around the country have long yearned for a reliable way to tell whether or not a suspect is lying. Polygraph machines, which are often called lie detectors, have been in use for almost a century, but the results they produce are not...
Google revokes its access to users’ location data
Mississippians might be unaware of a type of warrant that has become increasingly popular among law enforcement officers over the past decade. Known as geofence warrants, officers can obtain location data of every person near a crime scene to look for suspects....